Publication List

Bar-Haim, E. & Feniger, Y. (2021). Tracking in Israeli High Schools: Social Inequality After 50 Years of Educational Reforms. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 423-444.

Barone, C. & Assirelli, G. (2020). Gender Segregation in Higher Education: An Empirical Test and Seven Explanations. Higher Education, 79, 55-78.

Barone, C. & Triventi, M. (2020). Is Vocational Education a Safety Net? The Occupational Attainment of Upper Secondary Graduates from Vocational and Academic Tracks in Italy. Quaderni di Sociologia, 84- LXIV, 59-89.

Barone, C., Barg, K. & Ichou, M. (2021). Relative Risk Aversion Models: How Plausible Are Their Assumptions? Rationality and Society, 33, 143-175.

Barone, C., Barg, K. & Ichou, M. (2019). Relative Risk Aversion Models: How Plausible Are Their Assumptions? OSC Papers 2019/3.

Barone, C., Triventi, M. & Facchini, M. (2021). Social Origins, Tracking and Occupational Attainment in Italy. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 441-462.

Birkelund, J. F. (2021). Educational Tracking and Personality Formation: Evidence from a Dual System. Social Forces, soab077.

Birkelund, J. F. (2020). Sources of Change in the Primary and Secondary Effects of Social Class Origin on Educational Decisions: Evidence from Denmark, 2002–2016. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 68, 100504.

Birkelund, J. F. (2019). Aiming High and Missing the Mark? Educational Choice, Dropout Risk, and Achievement in Upper Secondary Education among Children of Immigrants in Denmark. European Sociological Review, 64, 395–412.

Birkelund, J. F., Capsada-Munsech, Q., Boliver, V. & Karlson, K. B. (2021). Lives on track? Long-term earnings returns to selective school placement in England and Denmark. British Journal of Sociology 72, 672-692.

Birkelund, J. F., Karlson, K. B. & Reimer, D. (2021). Upper Secondary School Tracking, Labour Market Outcomes and Intergenerational Inequality in Denmark. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 279-298.

Birkelund, J. F., Karlson, K. B. & Reimer, D. (2019). The Structure, Causes, and Consequences of Tracking in the Danish Education System. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 10/2019.

Birkelund, J. F. & van de Werfhorst, H. (2021). Long-term Labor Market Returns to Upper Secondary School Track Choice: Leveraging Idiosyncratic Variation in Peers’ Choices. Preprint.

Bittmann, F. & Schindler, S. (2021). Analysing Diversion Processes in German Secondary Education: School-Track Effects on Educational Aspirations. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 73, 231–257.

Boliver, V. & Capsada-Munsech, Q. (2021). Does Ability Grouping Affect UK Primary School Pupils’ Enjoyment of Maths and English? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 76, 100629.

Boliver, V. & Capsada-Munsech, Q. (2020). Selective Secondary Education and Progression to Higher Education. In J. Furlong & I. Lunt (Eds.), HEPI Occasional Paper: Vol. 22. Social Mobility and Higher Education: Are Grammar Schools the Answer? (pp. 25–29). Oxford.

Capsada-Munsech, Q. & Boliver, V. (2021). The Early Labour-Market Returns to Upper Secondary Qualifications Track in England. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 299-322.

Capsada-Munsech, Q. & Boliver, V. (2019). Educational Tracking and Sorting in England: Education System, Reforms, Trends and Empirical Evidence for the 1970 Birth Cohort Study (BCS70). DIAL Working Paper Series No. 11/2019.

Erola, J., Lethi, H., Baier, T. & Karhula, A. (2021). Socioeconomic Background and Gene–Environment Interplay in Social Stratification across the Early Life Course. European Sociological Review, jcab026.

Facchini, M., Barone, C. & Triventi, M. (2019). Tracking in the Italian Education System. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 15/2019.

Feniger, Y., Bar-Haim, E. & Blank, C. (2021). From Social Origin to Selective High School Courses: Ability Grouping as a Mechanism of Securing Social Advantage in Israeli Secondary Education. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 76, 100627.

Goffette, C. & Vallet, L.-A. (2018). Les trajectoires d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes portent-elles la marque de leurs origines socio-économique et culturelle ? In T. Couppié, A. Dupray, D. Epiphane, & V. Mora (Eds.), Céreq Essentiels: Vol. 1. 20 ans d’insertion professionelle des jeunes: entre permanences et évolutions (pp. 151–156). Marseille: Céreq Impremium.

Heiskala, L. & Erola, J. (2019). Tracking and Sorting in the Finnish Educational System. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 12/2019.

Heiskala, L., Erola, J. & Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2021). Compensatory and Multiplicative Advantages: Social Origin, School Performance, and Stratified Higher Education Enrolment in Finland. European Sociological Review, 37, 171-185.

Heiskala, L., Erola, J. & Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2019). Compensatory or Multiplicative Advantage? Parental Resources, School Achievement and Access to Higher Education in Finland. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 9/2019.

Heiskala, L., Erola, J. & McMullin, P. (2021). Formal Differentiation at Upper Secondary Education in Finland: Subject-level Choices and Stratified Pathways to Socio-economic Status and Unemployment. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 323-343.

Henninges, M., Traini, C. & Kleinert, C. (2019). Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System. LIfBi Working Paper No. 83. Bamberg: LIfBi

Henninges, M., Traini, C. & Kleinert, C. (2019). Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System: Literature Review and Analyses of the Birth Cohorts 1970-1980. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 14/2019.

Herbaut, E. (2019). Les inégalités d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur français. Avantages cumulatif et compensatoire au cours de l’enseignement secondaire. Revue Française de Sociologie, 60, 535-566.

Herbaut, E., Barone, C. & Vallet, L.-A. (forthcoming). Les filières du baccalauréat: impact sur les débouchés professionnels et médiation des inégalités professionnelles entre femmes et hommes. Economie et Statistique.

Herbaut, E., Barone, C., Ichou, M. & Vallet, L.-A. (2021). Social Origins, Track Choices and Labour-Market Outcomes: Evidence From the French Case. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 345-388.

Herbaut, E. & Barone, C. (2021). Explaining Gender Segregation in Higher Education: Longitudinal Evidence on the French Case. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42, 260-286.

Herbaut, E., Barone, C., Ichou, M. & Vallet, L.-A. (2019). Tracking and Sorting in the French Educational System. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 13/2019.

Jensen, S. S. & Reimer, D. (2021). The Effect of COVID-19-related School Closures on Students’ Well-being: Evidence from Danish Nationwide Panel Data. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 9/2021.

Karlson, K. B. & Birkelund, J. F. (2020). Family Background, Educational Qualifications, and Meritocratic Labor Market Allocation: Evidence from Danish Siblings. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 8/2020.

Reimer, D. & Thomsen, J.-P. (2019). Vertical and Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education. In R. Becker (Ed.), Research Handbooks in Sociology. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education (pp. 308–328). Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Schindler, S. (2021). Editorial: Educational Differentiation in Secondary Education and Labour-Market Outcomes. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 271-277.

Schindler, S. & Bittmann, F. (2021). Diversion or Inclusion? Alternative Routes to Higher Education Eligibility and Inequality in Educational Attainment in Germany. European Sociological Review, 37, 972-986.

Schindler, S., Bar-Haim, E., Barone, C., Birkelund, J. F., Boliver, V., Capsada-Munsech, Q., Erola, J., Facchini, M., Feniger, Y., Heiskala, L., Herbaut, E., Ichou, M., Karlson, K. B., Kleinert, C., Reimer, D., Traini, C., Triventi, M. & Vallet, L.-A. (2021). Educational Tracking and Long-term Outcomes by Social Origin: Seven Countries in Comparison. DIAL Working Paper Series No. 2/2021.

Traini, C. (2021). The Stratification of Education Systems and Social Background Inequality of Educational Opportunity. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, online first.

Traini, C. (2020). Like Parents, Like Children. Does the Stratification of Education Systems Moderate the Direct Effect of Origins on Destinations? Contemporary Social Sciences, 16, 344-358.

Traini, C., Kleinert, C. & Bittmann, F. (2021). How Does Exposure to a Different School Track Influence Learning Progress? Explaining Scissor Effects by Track in Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 76, 100625.

Traini, C., Kleinert, C. & Schindler, S. (2021). Does Tracking Really Affect Labour-market Outcomes in the Long Run? Estimating the Long-term Effects of Secondary-school Tracking in West Germany. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12, 389-422.

Triventi, M., Barone, C. & Facchini, M. (2021). Upper secondary tracks and student competencies: A selection or a causal effect? Evidence from the Italian case. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 76, 100626.

Vallet, L.-A. (2020). Intergenerational Mobility and Social Fluidity in France over Birth Cohorts and Across Age: The Role of Education. In R. Breen & W. Müller (Eds.), Studies in Social Inequality. Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States (pp. 91–121). Stanford: Stanford University Press.


DIAL Podcasts

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LIFETRACK has guest-edited a special issue of Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Read about Mechanisms of Social Stratification here.

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Special Issue of LLCS

LIFETRACK has guest-edited a special issue of Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. Read our articles about Educational Differentiation in Secondary Education and Labour Market Outcomes here.